
How do we solve the global problem with neighbors?

How to successfully implement the technology of rational water usage in cotton and textile production? What results can be achieved? To find responses to these questions, a delegation of experts from Tajikistan visited Fergana Global Textile.

This trip was organized within the framework of the National Water Resources Management Project in Uzbekistan, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The main purpose of the exchange visit was to study and successfully apply best practices in the field of rational use of water resources.

At Global Textile we pay special attention to rational use of water resources. Thus, we were among the first in Uzbekistan to introduce drip irrigation technology in the fields. This allows us to increase production efficiency and significantly save resources.

We arranged a special excursion to Fergana Global Textile to demonstrate the full production cycle. During the visit, specialists from Tajikistan visited our fields, where we use a drip irrigation system. The guests also got acquainted with the processes of cotton processing, the production of yarn and fabric, and its further dyeing.

Following the meeting, the guests shared their impressions and expressed admiration for what they saw. They especially noted the innovative approaches to the organization of production processes and the advanced technologies used. As it turned out, in order to study the best experience in the field of cluster cotton and textile production, it is not at all necessary to go abroad and visit distant countries. All this can be seen firsthand on the successful example of Global Textile.

 How do we solve the global problem with neighbors?

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