
Ecological visit to Global Textile Infinity

Representatives of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Uzbekistan, ecologists of Fergana, Andijan, Namangan regions, as well as local bloggers and journalists visited one of our textile complexes Global Textile Infinity as part of their press tour "Transition of factories and enterprises to green energy".

During the visit, we introduced the guests to some of our innovative solutions:
- A solar panels project expected to be installed in the factory this coming September;
- The wastewater diversion system which is directed to local treatment plants for processing;
- Rainwater and melt water efficiency system used for production;
- A project to capture cotton dust generated during production and make briquettes from it for fuel or livestock feed, and many other projects which are successfully implemented in our enterprises

We are committed to green manufacturing and always minimize negative impact on the environment.

Ecological visit to Global Textile Infinity

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